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PMQ | Become the King of Chicken Wings

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Become the King of Wings

AutoFry makes frying simple and safe for your employees! 


AutoFry has been the leader in ventless frying for over 25 years. Our expert knowledge of the kitchen solutions industry has allowed us to help countless pizza places reach new heights with the addition of fresh fried foods to their line up.

Every AutoFry model is fully enclosed and fully automated, taking the hard work out of frying. Using AutoFry is as simple as one, two, three! Simply load your food in the hopper, choose a cook time and press start. AutoFry takes care of the rest!

While you go back to managing your business, AutoFry cooks your foods to perfection. Your food will dispense from the food chute when it’s ready to be served. No need to come in contact with dangerous hot oil or worry about watching your product so it won’t burn. AutoFry’s heat/time temperature intelligence will adjust cook times and temperatures so that no matter how large or small of a portion you fry, it cooks to the same level of perfection every time.

If your business could benefit from additional profits, why not give fried foods a try? High profit items like fries and chicken wings are the perfect fit for any pizza menu.  Check out our free white paper on adding chicken wings to your pizza menu for an overview of how easy it is to start driving additional profits with fried food sales. Or simply fill out the form on this page to receive a hassle-free price quote and start loving your fryer!

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